


Aho-Corasick String Searching

.NET Reference Guide | Aho-Corasick String Searching | InformIT

Aho-Corasick String Searching

Last updated Nov 6, 2009.

If you want to search for multiple strings in a large amount of text, the algorithm of choice is the Aho-Corasick algorithm, published by Alfred V. Aho and Margaret J. Corasick in 1975. It’s a kind of dictionary matching algorithm that makes a single pass through the input text, matching all occurrences of all strings in that single pass. There is some small up-front cost for preprocessing the strings being searched for, but that’s easily offset by the algorithm’s reduced time complexity. Whereas the brute force algorithm has N * M complexity, Aho-Corasick is linear in the length of the patterns plus the length of the text to be searched, plus the number of output matches.

Flexible text parsing strategies

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I’m trying to find a flexible way to parse email content. Below is an example of dummy email text I’m working with. I’d also like to avoid regular expressions if at all possible. However, at this point of my problem solving process I’m beginning to think it’s inevitable. Note that this is only a small dummy subset of a full email. What I need is to parse every field (e.g. Ticket No, Cell Phone) into their respective data types. Lastly, some fields are not guaranteed to be present in the email (you’ll see in my current solution shown below why this is a problem).

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Demo: C# [C Sharp] .NET OCR API library SDK component control with free trial download and source code can be obtained through licensing

Demos of Asprise OCR SDK for C# [C Sharp] .NET

The OCR user interface tool

After you have downloaded and installed the SDK. You can run the sample project as shown in the screen shot below. The sample project enables you to load, acquire and perform OCR on the selected image. The results are then displayed on the result panel.

Training Tesseract OCR 3.0

Yy’s BLOG: Training Tesseract OCR 3.0



Tesseract屬於開放原始碼,並在Google code中維護。


幾乎千篇一律是Tesseract 2.0的翻譯文(直接從官網翻譯出來的文章)

所以本篇應該是全世界第一篇繁體中文Tesseract 3.0 training教學

詳細內容還是得參考官方網站:Traning Tesseract 3.0

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Tesseract OCR 原本是 HP 實驗室所發展的 OCR 引擎,2006 年釋出為開放原始碼專案,目前由 Google 維護發展。

這兩天因為有某專案需要使用文字辨識功能,原本打算使用 PHP 進行,不過效率不彰,所以投奔到 Tesseract 的懷抱,但是原始檔案中缺少 libtiff 的支援,這時候就需要自己動手編譯了。

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