Change Tracking Overview

Change Tracking Overview

Change Tracking Overview
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

SQL Server 2008 introduces change tracking, a lightweight solution that provides an efficient change tracking mechanism for applications. Typically, to enable applications to query for changes to data in a database and access information that is related to the changes, application developers had to implement custom change tracking mechanisms. Creating these mechanisms usually involved a lot of work and frequently involved using a combination of triggers, timestamp columns, new tables to store tracking information, and custom cleanup processes.

Different types of applications have different requirements for how much information they need about the changes. Applications can use change tracking to answer the following questions about the changes that have been made to a user table:

What rows have changed for a user table?

Only the fact that a row has changed is required, not how many times the row has changed or the values of any intermediate changes.

The latest data can be obtained directly from the table that is being tracked.

Has a row changed?

The fact that a row has changed and information about the change must be available and recorded at the time that the change was made in the same transaction.

10 SEO image tips for photographers

10 SEO image tips for photographers – Webdistortion

Some sites have it tough. If you are building a site such as Flickr,
or are a photographer wondering how to get better  exposure (pun not
intended) for your images via search engines, you are generally up
against it. With the majority of your content being visual, it’s harder
to get a decent rank on Google.

Here’s a few SEO tips which you can apply to images within your website to gain better traction within Google image search.

Alot of these can be applied to any website, but I’ve primarily focused on image related seo for this article.

OFCGWT – Open Flash Chart for GWT

ofcgwt – Open Flash Chart for GWT – Google Project Hosting


The OFCGWT project provides a simple to use chart widget for GWT based on Open Flash Chart 2. The library includes the needed flash insertion, update and manipulation methods for the chart widget. It also includes a POJO model for the chart elements and components that assist in the generation of the JSON to provide the correct chart data for OFC 2.x API.

The project has released a beta of version 2.x and a stable 1.3.x release – with over 12,000+ downloads !!

Note: A beta of v2.0 (GWT 1.6 support) does contain breaking API for those coming from the 1.X version of OFCGWT – it contains new refactored events and a new chart factory, better attach/detach support, new charts features(new Horizontal Stack Bar Chart, enhanced animations based on OFC Ichor with DZ fixes and patches).
Current Status

2009-Apr-21: Version 2.0.1 beta released.


New Std Demo – Added Transparent Image Bar Chart
Events Demo – onClick Events Demo showing drill-down

Thread Sync #2. 實作篇 – 互相等待的兩個執行緒

Thread Sync #2. 實作篇 – 互相等待的兩個執行緒

繼上篇,有人跟我講太深奧了… Orz, 其實不會,只是還沒看到 Code 而以…。就先來幫黑暗魔人賽說明一下程式碼…。首先來看的是黑暗大魔王: GameHost..

GameHost 呼叫 Player 的片段

1: public void Start(Player p)

2: {

3: // 略…

4: int[] guess = p.StartGuess(_maxNum, _digits);

5: // 略…

6: Hint hint = compare(guess);

7: // 略…

8: while (hint.A != _digits)

9: {

10: // 略…

11: guess = p.GuessNext(hint);

12: // 略…

13: hint = compare(guess);

14: }

15: p.Stop();

16: // 略…

17: }

這段程式完全是老闆的角度在思考。抓到 PLAYER 後就叫它開始猜 StartGuess(),然後拼命的叫 PLAYER 再猜 GuessNext(), 直到猜中才可以休息 Stop()

很典型的多型 ( Polymorphism ) 應用,實際上會 RUN 什麼 CODE,就看繼承 PLAYER 的人是怎麼寫的…。這次我們再從弱勢勞工的角度來看看 PLAYER 該怎麼實作 (以 darkthread 附的 DummyPlayer 為例):