INSERT失败,因为下列SET选项的设置不正确: ‘ARITHABORT’? MS-SQL Server / 基础类 – CSDN社区 community.csdn.net

INSERT 失败,因为下列SET选项的设置不正确: ‘ARITHABORT’?

用语句:exec sp_dboption ‘SG_Control’,’ARITHABORT’,’true’后解决


Java Persistence Lock

使用Java Persistence中的@Version來執行Optimistic Locking.

1. 在資料庫中加入一個欄位for version checking, 在Oracle 中有個rowid, 只要資料有修改, 這個rowid就會跟著改變, 除了SQL Base外, 我所知的在其它的資料庫沒有這個機制. 但Oracle的rowid不能修改.

ALTER TABLE  my_table  ADD version_id bigint default 0  ;

update  my_table  set version_id=0

2.在Entity Class內加入

import javax.persistence.Version;



@Column(name = “version_id")
private Long version;

public Long getVersion() {
return version;

public void setVersion(Long version) {
this.version = version;

如此一來, JPA從資料庫讀入時, 會把version_id讀進來, 在update時, 除了primary key外, 還會去判斷這個欄位是否和原來讀入的一樣, 如果不一樣, 就會發出exception, 不讓JPA寫到資料庫.

如果成功寫入的話, 則會自動的把這個欄位的值加一.




EJB 3.0 Persistence – using the @Version annotation for Optimistic Locking – in the GlassFish Reference Implementation by Lucas Jellema

Using TopLink JPA Extensions

Using TopLink JPA Extensions

Using TopLink JPA Extensions

Version: 05/01/2008

The Java Persistence API (JPA), part of the Java Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) EJB 3.0 specification, greatly simplifies Java persistence and provides an object-relational mapping approach that allows you to declaratively define how to map Java objects to relational database tables in a standard, portable way that works both inside a Java EE 5 application server and outside an EJB container in a Java Standard Edition (Java SE) 5 application.

TopLink JPA provides extensions to what is defined in the JPA specification. These extensions come in persistence unit properties, query hints, annotations, TopLink own XML metadata, and custom API. For more information on where and how you use the extensions to customize JPA behavior to meet your application requirements, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle TopLink.