JasperForge: JasperReports JasperReports 的討論區
is there any code or sample that i can look at that implement the AsynchronousFillHandle ? I would like to cancel the report filling but have no idea. Any directions?

JasperForge: JasperReports JasperReports 的討論區
is there any code or sample that i can look at that implement the AsynchronousFillHandle ? I would like to cancel the report filling but have no idea. Any directions?
JasperForge: JasperReports JasperReports 的討論區
The engine does not know how many pages or how many records there will be in the datasource in order
to tell how much it remains before the document is done.In any case, you could use the AsynchronousFillHandle
to allow users to cancel the report and you could also
use scriptlets to keep track of progress during filling.
如何知道JasperReport載入到哪裏了, 還有列印到哪一頁了…
JasperForge: JasperReports JasperReports 的討論區
Monitoring JRPrintServiceExporter 08/21/2006 21:15
By: Graeme Hook – graemeh
Monitoring JRPrintServiceExporter
2004-10-11 02:34
When using the JRPrintServiceExporter is their any way to monitor the progress of printing.The java PrintService API allows you to create a DocPrintJob and add a PrintJobListener to do this, but I don’t see any way of getting a DocPrintJob from the exporter. I also can’t find any monitoring stuff in the API. Am I missing something or is this functionality not available in JasperReports?
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還有後續, 相關文章如下:
Integrating and Using JasperReports in NetBeans « Java DevZone
Integrating and Using JasperReports in NetBeans