Oracle 11g R1 Enterprise安裝研究(CentOS 5.2) 文章發表於 : 週三 2月 25, 2009 12:10 pm

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Oracle 11g R1 Enterprise安裝研究(CentOS 5.2)

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 ( Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, and Enterprise Edition
Linux x86 (1.7 GB) | See All (Including Client, Examples, Gateways, Clusterware) … index.html

Installing Oracle 11g on CentOS under VMWare on a Macbook Introduction So, you’re a DBA who wants to stay on top of your technical skills but your employer won’t provide you with the servers / installation support you need for a “DBA Playground”? Been looking at those fancy Macbook or Macbook Pros’s but the significant other won’t let you buy that shiny new toy? Here’s the answer to your prayers: A legit way to set up a new Macbook or Macbook Pro to serve as your own ‘Proof of Concept” box! It’s a work tool, Honey, honest!

Installing Oracle 11g on CentOS under VMWare on a Macbook – Oracle Wiki

Installing Oracle 11g on CentOS under VMWare on a Macbook


So, you’re a DBA who wants to stay on top of your technical skills but your employer won’t provide you with the servers / installation support you need for a “DBA Playground”? Been looking at those fancy Macbook or Macbook Pros’s but the significant other won’t let you buy that shiny new toy? Here’s the answer to your prayers: A legit way to set up a new Macbook or Macbook Pro to serve as your own ‘Proof of Concept” box! It’s a work tool, Honey, honest!

using wget to download Oracle 11g

wget  -c –no-check-certificate –post-data="<your_local_ip>&globalId=&<your_otn_account>&password=<your_otn_password>&submit=Continue"

using wget to download Oracle 11g

每次都下載到一半就掛了, 用這個可以續傳…

對了, 我是用ubuntu 8

Download oracle using wget, A tiny howto

Download oracle using wget, A tiny howto

I have been bothered too many times to download oracle installer from, whenever i had to do so, i was reluctant just because OTN force us to download their installer using browser, i hate browser based huge files download, my love “wget" always support me…i was thinking that wget has a limit to do this task until