VPN Capability PPTP – PFSenseDocs

VPN Capability PPTP – PFSenseDocs
記得在xp中, 設定要改一下, 這樣才不會所有的連線都導到vpn, ( 亦即, 如果你的client不想透過vpn來上
msn 或 www的話 )

If you do skip this step when you connect to the PPTP server, your
default gateway for ALL traffic will be via the PPTP VPN. With the
current ruleset I’ve created in this example, this means that you will
be unable to reach any resources outside the LAN or DMZ subnets.

To remedy the situation, click on Properties

Click on Networking –> Internet Protocol

Properties –> Advanced

Uncheck “use default gateway on remote network”

Click OK, OK, OK

Now enter your username and password (configured during the PPTP User Setup process)

Click on Connect

Should get Connecting –> Verifying username & password –> Authenticated

Now right click on the tray icon for the VPN connection –> Properties –> Details

Ensure that we are using MSCHAP v2 and MPPE 128

Flickr 創用CC授權釋出照片量 突破100,000,000

[狂賀] Flickr 創用CC授權釋出照片量 突破100,000,000(一億) | Blog | 創用 CC ─ Creative Commons Taiwan | 用善意換取善意

[狂賀] Flickr 創用CC授權釋出照片量 突破100,000,000(一億)
周文茵, April 01, 2009

flickr100m-banner2.jpg我想大家最近登錄上 Creative Commons 官網,一定不難發現首頁上方有了最新的頭版頭了。那就是在2009年3月21日(週六),大概是晚上吧,在 Flickr 上面採用創用CC釋出的照片,正式突破100,000,0

增進網路流量, 吸引別人來站

How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic – The Ultimate Guide — Copyblogger

How to Attract Links and Increase Web Traffic – The Ultimate Guide

by Brian Clark

Links and traffic… who wants some?

The number of excellent resources that have come out since the beginning of the year on attracting links and building traffic has really mushroomed. Plus there are some timeless classics that are still very relevant today.