A simple way to JTable

CodeToad – A simple way to JTable.

A simple way to JTable

While dealing with JTable you come across two main features
With JTable you can display the data. You can allow the user to edit the data.
The tableModel takes care of the data to be displayed using JTable.
The JTable is normally added in JScrollPane. So when the rows get exceeded display area, the scrollbars of the scrollpane automatically gets activated.

Swing Chapter 18. (Advanced topics) Tables. Easy for reading, Click here!

Swing Chapter 18. (Advanced topics) Tables. Easy for reading, Click here!

18.2 Stocks Table: part I – Basic JTable example

This basic example shows how to construct a JTable to display information about stock market data for a given day. Despite of its simplicity, it demonstrates the most fundamental features of JTable, and serves as a good basis for the more advanced examples that follow.

Stocks and stock trading is characterized by many attributes. The following are selected for display in our example:

C# to VB.NET Translator

AspAlliance.com: Alex Lowe’s ASP.NET Tips and Tricks

C# to VB.NET Translator

Register for the ASP.NET Webcast series!

The C# to VB.NET Translation tool is not perfect. However, it is the best C# to VB.NET translation tool that I have come across. It’s very easy to use. Simply copy and paste your C# code into the textbox and hit the ‘Translate’ button. Currently, the translator does not handle tags or any other HTML so your C# code must be pure C#. The VB.NET equivalent will be generated in a textbox below the one with your C# code. Feel free to send me bug reports here.

Call iReport from Java Application

iReport Tutorial: Call iReport from Java Application

Reports designed by iReport can be called/ viewed/ embedded/ included in Java application in various ways. A sample coding is given below. Before compiling and running this code the jar files located in the lib folder of iReport installation folder must be included in the classpath.

The sample code shown below uses JFrame to view the report. You can view the report in JInternalFrame or JPanel very easily just by inheriting JInternalFrame or JPanel respectively instead of extending JFrame.

The class below has two constructors. The default constructor can be used for reports without any parameter. The second one can be used for parameterized report. The parameters should be stored in a HashMap object as the key and value pairs. The key will be the name of the parameter in the report and the value will be the variable where the input is stored.

如何使用 GetOleDbSchemaTable 和 Visual Basic.NET 中擷取結構描述資訊

如何使用 GetOleDbSchemaTable 和 Visual Basic.NET 中擷取結構描述資訊

本文告訴,如何在 ADO.NET 中使用 OleDbConnection 物件的 GetOleDbSchemaTable 方法,以擷取資料庫結構描述資訊。 結構描述資料來源中的資訊包括資料庫或從資料來源、 資料表和一個的資料庫中檢視可用的類別目錄,以及存在等等的條件約束。 在資料表中的結構描述資訊包括了主索引鍵]、 [資料行和 [Autonumber 欄位。

How to Use Tables

How to Use Tables

How to Use Tables

With the JTable(in the API reference documentation) class you can display tables of data, optionally allowing the user to edit the data. JTable doesn’t contain or cache data; it’s simply a view of your data. Here’s a picture of a typical table displayed within a scroll pane:

How to Use Tables

How to Use Tables

How to Use Tables

With the JTable(in the API reference documentation) class you can display tables of data, optionally allowing the user to edit the data. JTable doesn’t contain or cache data; it’s simply a view of your data. Here’s a picture of a typical table displayed within a scroll pane:

如何使用 GetOleDbSchemaTable 和 Visual C#.NET 中擷取結構描述資訊

如何使用 GetOleDbSchemaTable 和 Visual C#.NET 中擷取結構描述資訊

本文告訴,如何在 ADO.NET 中使用 OleDbConnection 物件的 GetOleDbSchemaTable 方法,以擷取資料庫結構描述資訊。 結構描述資料來源中的資訊包括資料庫或從資料來源、 資料表和一個的資料庫中檢視可用的類別目錄,以及存在等等的條件約束。 在資料表中的結構描述資訊包括了主索引鍵]、 [資料行和 [Autonumber 欄位。

請注意沒有方法是相當於 GetOleDbSchemaTable 當您使用一個 SqlClient.SqlConnection 物件。 SQL Server 的.NET 資料提供者會公開透過預存的程序和資訊的檢視的後端結構描述資訊。 檢視 」 及 「 可透過 Microsoft SQL Server 預存的程序的相關資訊,請參閱 MSDN Library 中的 Transact-SQL 參考。
