NetBeans Platform CRUD Application Tutorial

platform: NetBeans CRUD Application Tutorial for NetBeans Platform 6.5

NetBeans Platform CRUD Application Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to integrate a MySQL database into a NetBeans Platform application. We start by exploring a MySQL database, for which we create an entity class. However, note that these instructions are not applicable to MySQL only. Rather, they are relevant to any relational database supported by NetBeans IDE. Next, we wrap the entity class into a module, together with modules for the related JPA JARS.

Oracle 11g R1 Enterprise安裝研究(Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop)

資安論壇 • 檢視主題 – [研究] Oracle 11g R1 Enterprise安裝研究(Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop)

Oracle 11g R1 Enterprise安裝研究(Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop)

Oracle Database 11g Release 1 ( Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, and Enterprise Edition
Linux x86 (1.7 GB) | See All (Including Client, Examples, Gateways, Clusterware) … index.html

Connecting to Microsoft Access database.

NetBeans Wiki: ConnectingToMsAccessDB

In this document will build an application that loads data from the database and displays them in a table managed by JTable component Swing. Also performing searches on the data by means of a filter. The application performs operations Edit, Cancellation and Inserting records. This tutorial is designed for beginners with a basic understanding of database management and application development who want to apply their knowledge to working with Microsoft Access to build desktop application with GUI in NetBeans IDE.

In order to work through this tutorial, you need to have the following software installed on your computer:

Oracle 11g 下載

NightWish » Blog Archive » Oracle 11g 下載

幫忙朋友下載windows Oracle 11g寬頻時好時壞,常常斷掉又要註冊oracle使用者才能下載又不能續傳(天呀),真是有夠麻煩。因此,丟到Server去下載應該是比較好的方式,觀察一下http protocal 發現只要組出下面的url就可以用wget下載,真的輕鬆太多!

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Making Java apps built with NB 6 GUI Builder runnable on 1.4 JVMs

Making Java apps built with NB 6 GUI Builder runnable on 1.4 JVMs – John H. Embretsen – org.netbeans.nbusers – MarkMail

On 11/1/07, Karthik <> wrote:

Can you try the following: Tools | Options | Advanced Options | Options | Editing | GUI Builder Set ‘Layout Generation Style’ to ‘Swing Layout Extensions Library’.

The option may not affect existing forms; but new forms should use the library rather than ‘Standard Java 6 Code’.

You are right, this works well for new forms. I’ll leave this setting at ‘Automatic’ though, see below.

Another alternative is to use ‘Tools | Java Platform | Add Platform’ to add a jdk5 or jdk1.4 platform to the ide’s list of known platforms and then use ‘Project Properties | Libraries | Java Platform’ to set the project’s platform to the newly added platform.

I had forgotten to change the Java Platform of my project, thanks for the tip! :) When I set the Java Platform to JDK 1.4.2 (or 1.5.0) the GUI builder is using the extensions library instead of Java 6 code for new forms.

Existing forms are not changed, and show up with errors in the editor. The easiest way to fix this I believe is to open each class that is using the generated Java 6 code, selecting the Form in the Inspector panel, and changing its Layout Generation Style in the Properties panel.

My app is now able to launch in all the JVM versions I’ve tried so far – thanks for helping out! :)

Of course, using jdk1.6 with ‘source/binary format’ set to 1.5 should be equivalent to setting the project’s platform to 1.5. By default ‘Layout Generation Style’ is set to automatic, which should use extensions library if ‘source/binary format’ is set to 1.5. If not, that is a bug; you may want to file an issue at .

I filed this as issue number 120933. Thank you again for your help!

How and to create efficient Branches using Subversion » Blog Archive » How and to create efficient Branches using Subversion

How and to create efficient Branches using Subversion

To a lot of people Branching is a dark art which should be avoided at all costs. This makes me sad since its such a great feature of most version control systems. A branch is normally a copy of the trunk which is totally isolated from the Trunk. Creating a Branch allows you to create parallel or more development streams.