
Tuning Oracle SQL subqueries

Subqueries can be used almost any place where an expression can be used, but for tuning purposes, consider a divide and conquer approach using separate queries:

• CASE expressions
• SELECT statements
• VALUES clauses of INSERT statements
• WHERE clauses
• ORDER BY clauses

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在 Windows 安裝個人專屬的 Moin Moin Wiki

安裝 MoinMoin DesktopEdition 的步驟如下


到 DesktopEdition 下載 MoinMoin Desktop Edition 安裝程式

執行剛剛下載的安裝程式。此程式其實是個自我解壓縮檔,執行時會問你要解到那個目錄。建議輸入 C:\,系統會安裝到 C:\MMDE

沒錯!上一動完成就安裝完畢了 :)

SWT Examples


In SWT, the classes ToolBar and ToolItem are allowed to create the TextEditor. The class ToolBar provides the toolBar items and the class ToolItem adds the item to the toolbar.

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