I am creating a form dynamically from the fields returned from server using json

extjs add plugins to dynamic form fields – Stack Overflow

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I am creating a form dynamically from the fields returned from server using json e.g. data is

“items": [
{“xtype": “textfield", “fieldLabel": “Name", “name": “name"},
{“xtype": “textfield", “fieldLabel": “Description", “name": “description"},
{“xtype": “textarea", “fieldLabel": “Text", “name": “text"}

Now I want to add a custom plugin to each field usually on client side I do this

plugins:new Ext.ux.plugins.MyPlugin()

but as my form fields are coming from server, how can I add plugin to field e.g. something like this (but that doesn’t work)

“plugins": “Ext.ux.plugins.MyPlugin"

forms extjs

asked Mar 29 at 7:00
Anurag Uniyal

91% accept rate

1 Answer
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up vote 1 down vote accepted

You can also register plugins with a “ptype":

MyPlug = Ext.extend(Object, {
init : function(c){
Ext.preg(‘myplug’, MyPlug);

new Ext.Component({
plugins: [{ptype: ‘myplug’}]


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