CreatingGraphs – How to create new templates or graphs

CreatingGraphs – mysql-cacti-templates – How to create new templates or graphs – A project to create better Cacti templates for MySQL, Apache, Memcached and more – Google Project Hosting

How to create new templates or graph


document explains how to create Cacti templates simply and reliably.
For this example, we’ll assume you are going to add a new set of graphs
into the ss_get_by_ssh.php file. This means you’re going to write a
command to SSH to a server and collect some data, parsing code to turn
that into a list of named values to graph, and graphs to display the

This example will show a fairly complex set of graphs.
If you understand the example, you should be ready to create quite
complex graphs yourself. We’re going to collect data from
/proc/diskstats on Linux and graph it.


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