PHP 5 Sockets with Flash 8 – PHP 5 Sockets with Flash 8, Page 1

PHP 5 Sockets with Flash 8
by obiAdmin (raymond): 30 September 2006

Ever wanted to build a real-time chat room or build a high speed multiplayer game but couldn’t figure out how to do that? Sockets are what your missing! PHP sockets are indeed very nice to use when creating real-time chat applications or to build an instantaneous multiplayer game. Unfortunately most people do not use them because they are hard to grasp. In this tutorial, I will be showing how to write a simple PHP5 socket shell script for Apache servers, and how to set up a Flash file to connect to it.

Here is a snap shot of the chat room you’ll be creating in this tutorial:


你的電子郵件位址並不會被公開。 必要欄位標記為 *

What is 9 + 14 ?
Please leave these two fields as-is:
IMPORTANT! To be able to proceed, you need to solve the following simple math (so we know that you are a human) :-)