SQL SERVER – Recompile All The Stored Procedure on Specific Table

SQL SERVER – Recompile All The Stored Procedure on Specific Table « Journey to SQLAuthority

SQL SERVER – Recompile All The Stored Procedure on Specific Table

June 29, 2007 by pinaldave

I have noticed that after inserting many rows in one table many times the stored procedure on that table executes slower or degrades. This happens quite often after BCP or DTS. I prefer to recompile all the stored procedure on the table, which has faced mass insert or update. sp_recompiles marks stored procedures to recompile when they execute next time.


—-Following script will recompile all the stored procedure on table Sales.Customer in AdventureWorks database.
USE AdventureWorks;
EXEC sp_recompile N’Sales.Customer’;
—-Following script will recompile specific stored procedure uspGetBillOfMaterials only.
USE AdventureWorks;
EXEC sp_recompile ‘uspGetBillOfMaterials’;


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