
FlexMonkey Overivew | Gorilla Logic

FlexMonkey Overivew

 FlexMonkey automates the functional testing of Flex applications by:

  • Recording user interactions as replayable test scripts
  • Replaying those scripts interactively or as part of an automated build process
  • Verifying that expected results match actual ones
  • Generating ready-to-run FlexUnit test suites

FlexMonkey is free and open source and licensed under the Gnu Public License (GPL). Since FlexMonkey is GPL-licensed, you can freely use it to test any application including commercial applications. FoneMonkey may only be redistributed as part of other GPL-licensed software, but since you only use FlexMonkey for testing and do not include it as part of your actual software distribution, this restriction shouldn’t affect you.

FlexMonkey consists of two primary components:

The FlexMonkey Console – An Adobe AIR application that provides for interactively recording, playing back, and editing test scripts.

The FlexMonkey Library – A SWC library that is linked into a test version of a Flex or AIR application to facilitate communication with the FlexMonkey Console, or the playback of previously created tests.

FlexMonkey uses the Adobe Flex Automation Framework, which is included with FlashBuilder Premium and FlexBuilder Professional. 


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