How to: Publish a Project That Has a Specific Locale

HOW TO:發行具有指定地區的專案

How to: Publish a Project That Has a Specific Locale

To create the publishing macro

  1. To open the Macro Explorer, on the Tools menu, point to Macros, and then click Macro Explorer.

  2. Create a new macro module. In the Macro Explorer, select MyMacros. On the Tools menu, point to Macros, and then click New Macro Module. Name the module PublishSpecificCulture.

  3. In the Macro Explorer, expand the MyMacros node, and then open the PublishAllProjects module by double-clicking it (or, from the Tools menu, point to Macros, and then click Macros IDE).

  4. In the Macros IDE, add the following code to the module, after the Import statements:

    Module PublishSpecificCulture
        Sub PublishProjectFirstProjectWithEnLocale()
            ' Note: You should publish projects by using the IDE at least once
            ' before you use this macro. Items such as the certficate and the 
            ' security zone must be set.
            Dim localeString As String = "en"
            ' Get first project.
            Dim proj As Project = DTE.Solution.Projects.Item(1)
            Dim publishProperties As Object = proj.Properties.Item("Publish").Value
            ' GenerateManifests and SignManifests must always be set to
            ' True for publishing to work. 
            proj.Properties.Item("GenerateManifests").Value = True
            proj.Properties.Item("SignManifests").Value = True
            'Set the publish language.
            'This will set the deployment language and pick up all 
            ' en resource dlls:
            Dim originalTargetCulture As String = _
            publishProperties.Item("TargetCulture").Value = localeString
            'Append 'en' to end of publish, install, and update URLs if needed:
            Dim originalPublishUrl As String = _
            Dim originalInstallUrl As String = _
            Dim originalUpdateUrl As String = _
            publishProperties.Item("PublishUrl").Value = _
                AppendStringToUrl(localeString, New Uri(originalPublishUrl))
            If originalInstallUrl <> String.Empty Then
                publishProperties.Item("InstallUrl").Value = _
                    AppendStringToUrl(localeString, New Uri(originalInstallUrl))
            End If
            If originalUpdateUrl <> String.Empty Then
                publishProperties.Item("UpdateUrl").Value = _
                    AppendStringToUrl(localeString, New Uri(originalUpdateUrl))
            End If
            Dim slnbld2 As SolutionBuild2 = _
                CType(DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild, SolutionBuild2)
            slnbld2.BuildProject( _
            proj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName, _
            proj.UniqueName, True)
            ' Only publish if build is successful.
            If slnbld2.LastBuildInfo <> 0 Then
                MsgBox("Build failed for " & proj.UniqueName)
                slnbld2.PublishProject( _
                proj.ConfigurationManager.ActiveConfiguration.ConfigurationName, _
                proj.UniqueName, True)
                If slnbld2.LastPublishInfo = 0 Then
                    MsgBox("Publish succeeded for " & proj.UniqueName _
                    & vbCrLf & "." _
                    & " Publish Language was '" & localeString & "'.")
                    MsgBox("Publish failed for " & proj.UniqueName)
                End If
            End If
            ' Return URLs and target culture to their previous state.
            publishProperties.Item("PublishUrl").Value = originalPublishUrl
            publishProperties.Item("InstallUrl").Value = originalInstallUrl
            publishProperties.Item("UpdateUrl").Value = originalUpdateUrl
            publishProperties.Item("TargetCulture").Value = originalTargetCulture
        End Sub
        Private Function AppendStringToUrl(ByVal str As String, _
        ByVal baseUri As Uri) As String
            Dim returnValue As String = baseUri.OriginalString
            If baseUri.IsFile OrElse baseUri.IsUnc Then
                returnValue = IO.Path.Combine(baseUri.OriginalString, str)
                If Not baseUri.ToString.EndsWith("/") Then
                    returnValue = baseUri.OriginalString & "/" & str
                    returnValue = baseUri.OriginalString & str
                End If
            End If
            Return returnValue
        End Function
    End Module
  5. Close the Macros IDE. The focus will return to Visual Studio.


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