Beans Binding Via The Road Less Travelled By (Part 2)

Beans Binding Via The Road Less Travelled By (Part 2)

Beans Binding Via The Road Less Travelled By (Part 2)

A continuation from yesterday—this time, instead of a JTable and a JTextField, we’ll look at a JList and a JTextField. I realized yesterday, after writing that blog entry, that it was pretty dumb to set the JTextFields as not editable while the update strategy was READ_WRITE. Had I made the JTextFields editable, I would have been able to update the currently selected row in the table, from the related JTextFields. So this time I won’t make that mistake. As yesterday, we will not use any tool at all. Just a plain editor.

When we finish this blog entry, we will have a small JFrame that looks like this:


你的電子郵件位址並不會被公開。 必要欄位標記為 *

What is 5 + 13 ?
Please leave these two fields as-is:
IMPORTANT! To be able to proceed, you need to solve the following simple math (so we know that you are a human) :-)