
AutoCompletionComboBox JIDE Common Layer 2.0 API Documentation and Javadoc

An auto completion combobox. It used AutoCompletion to make the combobox auto-completing. You can use AutoCompletion directly to make any combobox auto-completing. This class is just a convenient class if all you need is an auto complete combobox.

Since auto-complete has to listen to the key user types, it has to be editable. If you want to limit user to the list available in the combobox model, you can call setStrict(boolean) and set it to true.


你的電子郵件位址並不會被公開。 必要欄位標記為 *

What is 11 + 15 ?
Please leave these two fields as-is:
IMPORTANT! To be able to proceed, you need to solve the following simple math (so we know that you are a human) :-)