Kernel reports EDAC i5000: SPD Protocol Error, Bits= 0×40000

最近加RAM的ASUS DSF T700 一直當機, 由4G加到8G( 2x2G -> 4*2G)。
這台機器安裝CentOS 5.2, 並且跑Vmware Server 2.0 裏面有6個VM在跑。

莫名的當機, 因為一直出現這個錯誤訊息。
EDAC i5000 MC0: NON-FATAL ERRORS Found!!! 1st NON-FATAL Err Reg= 0x2000

最後找到這個方式, 終於不再出現這個錯誤訊息, 但會不會當機? 有待觀察….


只好停止VMWare Server的Service, 看是不是因為它而當機的, 到了晚上二點起來看, 果然沒再當了.

後來重灌了VMWare Server 2.0.1 x86 64 (原來為VMWare Server 2.0), 再來看看會不會當…

ASL Knowledge Base – Kernel reports EDAC i5000: SPD Protocol Error, Bits= 0x40000

Linux Distributions » RHEL » 5 / CentOS 5 » General
Kernel reports EDAC i5000: SPD Protocol Error, Bits= 0x40000
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* General


The kernel repeatedly prints errors messages similar to the following:

EDAC i5000 MC0: NON-FATAL Errors found!!! 1st NON-FATAL Err Reg= 0x40000

EDAC i5000: SPD Protocol Error, Bits= 0x40000


This is caused by the optional IPMI card and the i5000_edac kernel module trying to access the platforms EDAC (Error Detection and Correction) information at the same time.


The workaround for this problem is to prevent the i5000_edac module from loading. To do this, add the following line to the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file:

blacklist i5000_edac

2009/6/9 後續…
結果改了也沒用, 還是當, 後來發現, 原來是pfSense的網卡我用同一個實體網卡所生成的虛擬Bridged網路所造成, 只要將pfSense用二個Bridged的網路(需來自不同的實體網卡)即可。
我想, 這應該是VMWare的關係, 也就是說, 當你一個VM用到二個虛擬網卡時, 二個假如都是bridged的話, 那最好是來自host的二張實體網卡。


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