不錯的技術網站, 和我接觸的領域很類似

Tech on the Net

Tech on the Net is dedicated to providing helpful advice, how-to’s and FAQs. We focus on technologies such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SQL, Oracle/PLSQL, UNIX, and Linux.

The information presented here is suitable for all programmers from beginner to expert. We hope you find this information useful and return to our site, as we expand our information base.


We’re proud to offer a new feature to our site called techonthenet.com Forums. We encourage you to visit the forums to post questions and answers relating to Oracle, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Excel. Or just browse the forums to find answers to many of the questions that you may have.

You can access the techonthenet.com Forums by clicking on the Forums link in the Navigation bar at the top of any one of our pages. Register now and be one of the first to post!


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