how to use scriptlet in iReport

1. create your scriptlet and compile it, sample code is listed below.

package demo;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet;

public class scriptletFXTaxForm extends JRDefaultScriptlet  {
CommonFunction cf;
public scriptletFXTaxForm(){
cf = new CommonFunction(true);
public BigDecimal Acca1(String sAcc){
BigDecimal dRet ;
dRet = BigDecimal.ZERO;

return dRet;
public String methodName(){
return “scriptletFXTaxForm";

2. add you scriptlet to iReport classpath, don’t forget add all used lib or jar into iReport classpath ( if you lost one of them, you can’t work correctly )

3. In iReport , add demo.scriptletFXTaxForm to Scriptlet Class property.

in this demo case , your should add sqljdbc4.jar to iReport classpath

see also

Unfortunately, I still can’t use scriptlet in Netbeans plugin iReport.


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