How to change database or server collation
How to change database collationTo change the database collation you can use alter database operator. For instance to change collation of previously created database collationtest you can run the script
alter database collationtest collate Cyrillic_General_CI_AS
Script runs for a second and does not require the database to not have active connections. this does not change collation of the objects that have already been created. It only changes default database collation which means if you create a table with character columns in the future and you don’t explicitly specify its collation, the collation will be Cyrillic_General_CI_AS (database_default). So our problem query still fails with the same error. So what we need to do? Yes, change collation of all exisiting objects(columns) in the database. Every single column collated with previous default database collation must be altered. The following script does exactly this
@NewCollation varchar(255)
,@Stmt nvarchar(4000)
,@DBName sysname
set @NewCollation = ‘Cyrillic_General_CI_AS’ — change this to the collation that you need
set @DBName = DB_NAME()
@CName varchar(255)
,@TName sysname
,@OName sysname
,@Sql varchar(8000)
,@Size int
,@Status tinyint
,@Colorder int
declare curcolumns cursor read_only forward_only local
for select
from syscolumns C
inner join systypes T on C.xtype=T.xtype
inner join sysobjects O on C.ID=O.ID
inner join sysusers u on O.uid = u.uid
where T.Name in (‘varchar’, ‘char’, ‘text’, ‘nchar’, ‘nvarchar’, ‘ntext’)
and O.xtype in (‘U’)
and C.collation != @NewCollation
and objectProperty(O.ID, ‘ismsshipped’)=0
order by 3, 1
open curcolumns
begin tran
fetch curcolumns into @CName, @TName, @OName, @Size, @Status, @Colorder
while @@FETCH_STATUS =0
set @Sql=’ALTER TABLE ‘+@OName+’ ALTER COLUMN ‘+@CName+’ ‘+@TName+ isnull (‘(‘
+convert(varchar,@Size)+’)’, “) +’ COLLATE ‘+ @NewCollation
+’ ‘+case when @Status=1 then ‘NULL’ else ‘NOT NULL’ end
exec(@Sql) — change this to print if you need only the script, not the action
fetch curcolumns into @CName, @TName, @OName, @Size, @Status, @Colorder
close curcolumns
deallocate curcolumns
commit tran
You will also need to disable replication if affected columns consist in published articles.
If your character columns are primary keys for some tables and foreign keys in others then situation gets worse. You need to drop the foreign keys , drop primary keys, change the collation and recreate the PKs and FKs.
In the end you will need to refresh the views.
declare @ViewName varchar(255), @Sql varchar(8000)
declare curviews cursor read_only forward_only local
for Select QUOTENAME(U.Name) + ‘.’ +QUOTENAME(O.Name)
from sysobjects O
inner join sysusers u on O.uid = u.uid
Where O.xtype=’V’
open curviews
fetch curviews into @ViewName
while @@FETCH_STATUS =0
Set @Sql = ‘exec sp_RefreshView “‘ + @ViewName + “"
exec (@Sql)
fetch curviews into @ViewName
close curviews
deallocate curviews