Fake Java properties and how they improve JPA

Fake Java properties and how they improve JPA « Just listen to Alex

Fake Java properties and how they improve JPA
Filed under: programming — Tags: java, jpa — bosmeeuw @ 5:52 pm

It doesn’t look like Java will be getting real property support in our lifetimes. This is too bad, because being able to refer to properties of an object in a type-safe way is really valuable when developing applications with a large domain. Take a gander a this JavaBean:


你的電子郵件位址並不會被公開。 必要欄位標記為 *

What is 5 + 13 ?
Please leave these two fields as-is:
IMPORTANT! To be able to proceed, you need to solve the following simple math (so we know that you are a human) :-)