Flex in a Week video trainin

Flex in a Week video training
Quick jump:

Day 1: Flex basics
Day 2: Event and data basics
Day 3: Data handling and manipulation
Day 4: Page layout and animation (coming soon)
Day 5: Adding visual appeal (coming soon)
Where to go from here
To the topFlex in a Week requirements
Prerequisite knowledge
Basic programming concepts, processes, and constructs
Required product
Flash Builder 4.5 Premium (Trial download)
Still on Flex 4 / Flash Builder 4?
See options for viewing Flex 4 training videos
To the topIntroduction
This training course will help you understand how you can leverage the open source Flex framework to build RIAs. To make it easier for you to learn Flex, you will use the Eclipse-based Flash Builder 4.5 development tool, which includes the Flex framework and provides features such as intelligent coding, interactive step-through debugging, and visual design of the user layout




   C       Am    ?  F         Em
曾经真的以为人生就这样了  平静的心拒绝再有浪潮
   Dm         F           bB          G
斩了千次的情丝却断不了  百转千折它将我围绕
    C           Am            F        Em
有人问我你究竟是哪里好  这么多年我还忘不了
    Dm          Am            F    G     C
春风再美也比不上你的笑  没见过你的人不会明了
   Am          Em    F     G      C
是鬼迷了心窍也好  是前世的姻缘也好
    Dm           Em        F           G
然而这一切已不再重要  如果你能够重回我怀抱
  Am          Em      F     G     C
是命运的安排也好  是你存心的捉弄也好
    Dm          Em          F          G
然而这一切已不再重要  我愿意随你到天涯海角~
    C             Am            F           C
虽然岁月总是匆匆的催人老  虽然情爱总是让人烦恼
    Dm7       F            Dm7   G     C
虽然未来如何不能知道  现在说再见会不会太早

HTML5 Web Sockets与代理服务器交互

InfoQ: HTML5 Web Sockets与代理服务器交互

HTML5 Web Sockets与代理服务器交互

作者 Peter Lubbers 译者 黄璜 发布于 2010年5月5日 下午12时44分

Web 2.0 ,

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随着最近WebSocket服务器实现的高速增长,对于HTML5 Web Socket如何处理代理服务器,防火墙,以及负载平衡路由器出现了许多疑问。代理服务器是否会自动中断WebSocket连接?HTML5 Web Sockets是否能比Comet更好的处理防火墙与代理服务器问题呢?Web Sockets又是否是实行无缝的代理服务器遍历的银弹呢?在这篇文章中,我将会解释HTML5 Web Sockets是如何与代理服务器,负载平衡路由器以及防火墙进行交互的。此外,我将会解释Kazzing WebSocket网关及其Web Socket模仿功能如何带来额外的价值。

百度技术沙龙第十四期报名:大型互联网产品的运维实践(5月28日 周六)

Adobe在线课堂报名:用Flash开发iOS应用(6月2日 周四)

Web App应用开发者大会圆满闭幕
关于HTML5 Web Sockets与代理服务器

让我们从一些基本概念开始:HTML5 Web Sockets和代理服务器究竟是什么?
HTML5 Web Sockets

Browser 與 Server 持續同步的作法介紹 (Polling, Comet, Long Polling, WebSocket)

Browser 與 Server 持續同步的作法介紹 (Polling, Comet, Long Polling, WebSocket)

對 Comet 的懵懂

記得兩年多前,第一次看到 Gmail 中的 GTalk 覺得很好奇:「咦?線上聊天且是 Google 的熱門系統,只用傳統的 AJAX 應該會操爆伺服器吧?」很幸運的,當時前公司內部的 Tech Talk 就有位同事分享這個叫 Comet 的技術、是種「為了讓瀏覽器與伺服器頻繁溝通所使用的技術、主要的瓶頸在於 WWW 伺服器上。」但因為工作沒有用到這類的需求、加上找不太到好的入門文章、實作的人不多,因此我對 Comet 的認識一直停留在懵懂的階段。

這一年多,會自動更新的網站越來越多,例如 Twitter、Plurk、Facebook 都會隨時有新資料出現在頁面上。也越來越常聽到 nodeJS 這個框架、似乎成為了此類需求的最佳的解決方案。心中的疑問是:「nodeJS 是專門為了實作 Comet 的 Web 伺服器嗎?」(當然不只是這樣 =b)

最近 miiiCasa 需實作一個即時通知的功能:「當有人做了跟我有關聯的動作時(例如:設為聯絡人、上傳照片到我可以存取的設備),立刻會有一則訊息在左下角。」同事分別將 nodeJS 架設起來並做了分享,似乎萬事皆備只欠 Coding。不過真的開始 Coding、尋找文件時就開始混亂了。因先前錯誤的認知,將許多名詞都混在一起: Polling、AJAX Comet、Comet with Iframe、Non-blocking IO、Web Socket、Long Polling、Socket.io 等。而且還發現 nodeJS 的定位跟我想像的差異很大,本來只知道它是一套事件驅動的伺服器端語言、後來才了解它的強大、甚至可寫出不同類型的伺服器(A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js Code),它的定位對我來說,根本就是另一套不同概念的 Apache + PHP,即時通知只是其中的一種受歡迎的實作罷了。

先把 nodeJS 放一旁吧(畢竟我對它的了解還在幼稚園階段)。這篇文章主要要介紹的是上面提到的混亂名詞,希望用最簡單的實作讓大家了解每個技術的定義、避免混淆在溝通時造成誤解。
1. 老掉牙的輪詢 – Polling

Message Queue Evaluation Notes

Message Queue Evaluation Notes – Second Life Wiki

Summary and Overview

One of the infrastructure tools that we’ve identified for the future internal architecture of Second Life is messaging. Message queuing systems allow systems that send messages to not have to worry about how they will be delivered, and allow consumers of messages to gather whichever ones interest them, at their own pace.

Ideally we’d have a completely scaleable system that clients could treat as singular black box. It would act as a well-known cluster to which senders or receivers of messages could connect, and be able to communicate asynchronously to or from anywhere else on the grid. Unfortunately it seems as though this dream, like so many others, is unattainable by any currently available software. We investigated around 15 open source systems that were explicitly designed for message queueing and found that none of them achieved this ideal.

Our use cases mostly involve very large numbers of queues; the smallest number we’re even considering is double the number of concurrent users. Our largest use case would be of the same order of magnitude as registered users. This means that we have to plan for millions, and probably tens or hundreds of millions, of message queues, since we want whatever system we choose to last us until then. Pretty much all of the message queue systems we investigated are intended to maximize message throughput rather than number of consumers. The clustering that they implement mainly serves as additional horsepower to deliver more message throughput. In particular the clustering we’ve seen replicates all state to every machine in the cluster, meaning that the cluster cannot add queues beyond the capacity of an individual node. In order to have a solution that scales in terms of number of queues, each node will have to be able to contain a subset of the global state — it actually seems as though such a message system would want to be coupled with a distributed storage system.

In any case, given that we expect that we’d have to develop our own queue scaling solution that involves partitioning, which may or may not be a task we are interested in taking on, the strongest candidates are RabbitMQ and Apache QPID. Both are mature products that support AMQP (though they support different versions). Both have strong vendor support, and both have good single-host performance numbers. There is some more investigation to be done — we’d like to know their true maximum capacity when clustered, to evaluate whether it’s worth clustering at all, given that we have to implement partitioning ourselves anyway.

We’re unfortunately pretty far from having closed the case on which technology to choose, or even if we can use any of these at all. Investigation will continue!

HTML5 Websocket vs Flex Messaging

HTML5 Websocket vs Flex Messaging – The Server Labs Blog

HTML5 Websocket vs Flex Messaging
Jun 9th, 2010
by Kevin McCormack.

Nearly 18 months ago, I wrote an article on this blog which showed how to develop a simple flex web application using ActiveMQ as a JMS server. It has proved a popular article so there must be a fair amount of interest in this topic.

With all the hype surrounding HTML5 at the moment, I figured I’d try to update the application for the HTML5 world, at the same time seeing how easy it would be to replace Adobe Flex. I’m sure you’re all familiar with the fact that Steve Jobs won’t let Flash (and therefore Flex) onto either the iPhone or iPad, so it’s worth investigating if the alternatives (in this case HTML5 websocket) are really up to scratch.

The example shown in the article uses HTML 5 websocket, Apache ActiveMQ, the Stomp messaging protocol and (indirectly) Jetty 7. It currently only runs in Google Chrome 5 since this is the only browser with support for websocket available as of May 2010.


玩物尚誌: 把電腦變成天文台,觀星軟體Stellarium介紹




" .NET Reactor 進行混淆。至於怎麼反混淆… 就不說了 “

玩玩開心農場瀏覽器 « Chui-Wen Chiu’s Note


2009 年 12 月 15 日 作者:Chui-Wen Chiu

這個工具剛出來時我覺得並沒有什麼特別,不就是內嵌一個 Browser,後來發現他有支援一些特別的功能,比如自動收割(雖然我用 v0.3 無法正確執行)引起我的好奇。所以,想看看他怎麼作,首先遇到的第一個問題是程式被混淆了。透過檢測發現他是使用 .NET Reactor 進行混淆。至於怎麼反混淆… 就不說了。
