
作者:國立臺灣科技大學資訊管理系軟體工程與管理實驗室 黃世禎、梁雅菁、楊玟惠在筆者與一些國內承接軟體開發專案之軟體公司主管或專案經理們所齊聚的相關會議場合中,常會聽到以下類似的埋怨:『在國內承接政府機關的一些軟體開發專案中,十個案子裡往往有九個是虧本的』,或是『承接政府機關資訊開發委外的案子,需要靠運氣;有些案子很好賺,也有些案子穩賠錢的』。
We often receive feedback that the table tutorial ( could use more fleshing out. Do you agree? If so, what specific subjects or examples would you add?Sharon
How to Print TablesThe JTable class provides support for printing tables. The JTable printing API includes methods that allow you to implement both basic and advanced printing tasks. For common printing tasks, when you need to simply print a table, use the print method directly. The print method has several forms with various argument sets. This method prepares your table, gets a corresponding Printable object, and sends it to a printer.
列印出JTextComponent的文字內容, 並進行分頁後預覽
Sergey Groznyh’s Blog: Swing Archives
Generating Print Preview of Swing Text Components
Posted by g_s_m on September 05, 2007 at 04:42 AM | Permalink | Comments (6)This question, “how to generate print preview of Java Swing components,” is asked often on various discussion forums, because currently (as of version 6) the Java SE doesn’t have standard facilities for building print previews. While working on the Swing Tutorial, I tried to address this issue under the topic “Using JTextComponent.getPrintable method.” This will hopefully appear in the updated version of the Swing Tutorial for JDK6. In the meantime, I’ll put the relevant information here.
There exist several resources on the Internet related to generating print previews in Java, but in most cases they are either commercial, or use an outdated API, or attempt to build some all-in-one custom dialog solution without paying much attention to details. In this issue I’ll try to focus on how to create a print preview—what necessary parts are involved and how they do communicate.
在Java中輕鬆列印文檔 – Touch over in life – Yahoo!奇摩部落格
2007/04/04 05:18
by Kei G. Gauthier and Stephen E. Sugermeyer 有關在Java中實現文檔列印的典型說法描述了一個複雜的過程,它要求對字體進行測定、對文本進行解析並將結果繪製到一個Graphics物件中。這個過程似乎執行起來相當困難,並且它和用於文檔視頻顯示的高級編程方法不一致。如果你想要花費大量的精力來完成這個過程,那麼你就不會首先想到要在Java中編程。
iReport Guide: How to execute a Jasper Report through a web app as a PDF and HTML
How to execute a Jasper Report through a web app as a PDF and HTMLThe most reliable and efficient way to execute a report through a web app (for this example I’ll be using servlets) is to have the report pre-compiled and ready. You can place ur SQL Qurrey inside the report itself or pass a java ResultSet object when creating a report.
假如我要在JComboBox內 Binding SelectedItem, 但顯示的不是Binding的值, 而是對應Binding後的另一個值, 則必需使用Renderer, 並且設定JComboBox的Editable為false才行。如下的example
cbCountry.setRenderer(new CountryListCellRenderer(ct1));
public class CountryListCellRenderer extends JTable implements ListCellRenderer {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list,
Object value, int index, boolean isSelected,
boolean cellHasFocus) {
// 產生combo box中顯示的table
if (value != null) {
setModel(new RowTableModel( Country.findName((String) value), (String) value));
if (isSelected) {
getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(0, 0);
// 控制選取後只顯示code不顯示descrption, 當JComboBox的Editable設為false時, 才會執行這段程式
if (-1 == index && value != null) {
return new JLabel(Country.findName((String) value));
// 初始時不顯示任何資料
if (-1 == index && value == null) {
return new JLabel(“");
//this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,20));
return this;
JComboBoxのドロップダウンリスト幅を指定値以上に保つ – Java Swing Tips